Thursday, December 17, 2015

Save your games, they can be used again

Here is a game we have used before in several different styles.

Everyone knows what Santa looks like, right?

Well try drawing him starting with his right eyebrow or left hand.

I wrote the different parts of the body on pieces of cardboard, cut them into pieces, and put them in a bag.

I made five sets.

The object was to have each cub take a piece from the bag and draw that part ... in the order it is taken.

The W
olf den had a challenge with a very bushy beard.

There was one "free" ticket where they could add anything they wanted.

I had done this once before with snowmen as the subject and the "free" item turned out to be weaponry in every picture.

These Santas were not into weapons and the free items were more likely gifts. The Webelos added highly decorated trees.

The Tiger den added a large gift.

Considering they began with the left eye, they put together a pretty good Santa.

The Wolf den finally overcame the beard problem.

There wasn't lots of room left for Santa's pack  (or hat, for that matter).

The Bears had a big group working but also did a lot of cooperative work.

And the small group of Webelos did an outstanding drawing.

The "free" was trees with gifts.

Well, they were fast and had extra time in the end.

The ribbon on the tree says Webelos, Cub Scouts, Pack 51, and Far East Council.

There was also one Santa drawn by the parents.

I would recommend a version of this game
using a number of subjects.

Easy to set up, easy to understand for both Webelos and Tigers. and easy to clean up at the end.
The part chips went back into bags for another time somewhere down the road.

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